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Block Diagram


The internal devices that are part of the suitcase, will be interconnected as showed in the block diagram. The suitcase block represents the chassis of the suitcase, and the program block represents the coding part that will be done in C++. The rest of the blocks will be detailed in the project requirements section

Power Supply


In this diagram we can appreciate that we will be using two power supplies. The first power supply will be used to power the wheels, and the second power supply will be exclusive for the microprocessor, which does not require much power. We decided to have two power supplies because the wheels will drain the battery faster, and it may create some picks of power that can make the microprocessor malfunction, and damage it. More details can be found at Amazon webpage (Anker [Upgraded to 6700mAh] Astro E1 Candy-Bar Sized Ultra Compact Portable Charger, External Battery Power Bank, with High-Speed Charging PowerIQ Technology). [1]


Drive Control

The function of the drive control is to control the wheels base on instructions from the microprocessor. The microprocessor will emit signals at low voltage level, and the drive control will provide to the gearmotor the power need it to work. allowing them to move back and forward. More details can be found at the Pololu Robotics & Electronics webpage (Dual TB9051FTG Motor Driver Shield for Arduino). [2]



The gearmotor will move the wheels. It will be connected to the drive control, which will send the signals from the microprocessor. The gearmotor will have enough power to move the total weight of the suitcase. More details can be found at the Pololu Robotics & Electronics webpage (4.4:1 Metal Gearmotor 25Dx63L mm HP 6V with 48 CPR Encoder). [3]



The Bluetooth is playing an important role in this project. Now, most people have a cellphone that has built in Bluetooth. Weiming and Jose want to take advantage of it and use it to communicate with the suitcase, to make it able to follow the user. The Bluetooth in the cellphone should be paired with the Bluetooth in the suitcase. More details can be found at the Pololu Robotics & Electronics webpage (BlueSMiRF Silver - Bluetooth Modem). [4]



As a second option of medio of communication, Weiming and Jose can use transceivers. The disadvantage of it is that the users will have to have with them a transceiver with them all the time, while using the suitcase, and it should be powered with a small battery. A simple example of it will be a car key that we can see in newest cars lately. More details can be found at the Pololu Robotics & Electronics webpage (Pololu IR Beacon Transceiver Pair). [5]


WiFi module

Our third option of medio of communication will be using Wi-Fi. As the Bluetooth, the Wi-Fi is also available in cellphones that we consumers use to communicate the user and the suitcase. More details can be found at the Alibaba webpage (Lonten Wifi Bee ESP8266 module XBEE design for Arduinos). [6]


Weight sensors:

Load Cell

Another important part of the block is the weight sensor. Weiming and Jose found two types of weight sensors. One of the sensors are the load cells. This load cells works when the weight is over them, measuring the weight on it. The information will be set to a board connected to it, which it will be transformed to a signal, and it will send to the microprocessor at which it will be connected. More details can be found at the Amazon webpage (Arduino Bathroom Scale With 50 Kg Load Cells and HX711 Amplifier). [7]

Tension Load

The other type of weight sensor is the tension cell sensor. This kind of sensor works when the weight is hanged at one of the ends of the sensor applying a force to it. The force will be measured, and the information will be set to a board connected to it, which it will be transformed to a signal, and it will send to the microprocessor at which it will be connected. More details can be found at the Amazon webpage (Degraw 40 kg Tension Load Cell and HX711 Combo Pack Kit). [8]

LCD Display

The display will be our output. In it, users will be able to read the total weight of the suitcase. The signal that the weight sensors board will send to the microprocessor, it will be processed, and it will send a digital signal to the display, which it will be show the total weight. More details can be found at the Pololu Robotics & Electronics webpage (16×2 Character LCD Parallel Interface). [9]


Micro Processor

There are different program languages that can be used to program the microprocessor. Weiming and Jose can control the microprocessor using C++, Assembler, Python, or use a FPGA programing it with HVDL language to control all the electronic devices that will be connected to it. For this project, we decide to use Arduino as microprocess and C++ language. More details can be found at the Adafruit METRO M0 Express webpage (Arduino Metro Express). [10]




No all the components need it to build this smart suitcase are electronics. Weiming and Jose also need the wheels, which it must be strong enough to support the total weight of the suitcase which is 50 Kg. The wheels we will use for this project will be the same wheels are used in the scooter wheels, also called inline skate wheels. More details can be found at the Pololu Robotics & Electronics webpage (Scooter/Skate Wheel 70×25mm - Black). [11]



Each wheel will be attached to an adapter and it will be attached to the gearmotor. This adapter is necessary to connect the wheels with the gearmotors. More details can be found at the Pololu Robotics & Electronics webpage (Pololu Aluminium Scooter Wheel Adapter for 4mm Shaft). [12]

Gearmotor Brackets

Other non-electronic part Weiming and Jose needs for this project are the gearmotor brackets to attach the gearmotor to the smart suitcase. More details for the specs could be find in the reference page. [13]


For demonstration only the smart suitcase will be built with plywood at dimensions of a regular size carry on, used in the airports to travel. Once is all working as intended, the smart suitcase will be painted and decorated to be close to a state-of-the-art regular suitcase.

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